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Hafa Adai and Welcome

Municipality of Sinajana, Guam

Your Village Leaders

Mayor Robert RDC Hofmann

We are here to serve alongside our staff and many community volunteers.

If you would like further information on how to become part of our village Neighborhood Watch Program, please feel free to contact us Monday-Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm at the numbers provided in the contact section.

Thank you!

Our Community

Håfa Adai!

Welcome to the Sinajana Neighborhood Watch Program. Your Municipal Neighborhood Watch is a public service has been established by the Sinajana Mayor's Office under the advisement of the Guam Police Department and support of our island law enforcement agencies and programs sponsors.  It is operated and enforced by members of our village community.

In many cases, neighborhood watches are created due to current and potential issues in the neighborhood. The interest level in neighborhood watch programs and crime prevention are high when residents feel that their general and personal well-being is jeopardized. People will do almost anything to maintain the safety and security of their families, homes and property. When crime decreases or the problems have been solved, people lose interest and become complacent again. This complacency can affect the safety of the neighborhood in the course of time and eventually the neighborhood watch program. Community Awareness is the first step to a "Peaceful Mind." Help us keep Sinajana Safe for everyone and generations to come. Thank you!


Robert RDC Hofmann



Visit your village Mayor's Office today for more information on establishing or partaking in a Neighborhood Watch Program near you. Thank you.


"Your neighbor is a person who needs you..."

- Elbert Hubbard